PDF and AI rendering problem with Centos 6 and Typo3

Posted on Sun 11 November 2012 in CentOS • Tagged with ghostscript, GraphicsMagick, typo3

It took me some time to fix a problem regarding the PDF and AI rendering in my typo3 instance. The install tools showed me that every image calculation was working  except PDF and AI. Next to the test within the install tool there is the command shown which worked fine …

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Installing VMware ovftool on Mac OS X

Posted on Sun 08 January 2012 in Mac • Tagged with converting, fusion, mac os x, ova, ovf, Virtualization, vmx

VMware offers a free tool to convert virtual machine files in different formats for example from .vmx to .ovf.

This tool can be used to convert:

VMX -> vSphere

Or you can deploy a OVF directly to a ESX host. It's  more powerful than it …

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