Install SUN/Oracle JDK on CentOS or Fedora

Posted on Tue 19 April 2011 in CentOS • Tagged with CentOS, Java, JDK

1. Download SUN or now Oracle JDK (.rpm.bin format) from Oracle Website:

  1. make .bin file executeable
chmod +x <file>.rpm.bin
  1. run the installer
  1. link the installed jdk into your environment
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java …

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Install PostgreSQL 9.0.x on CentOS

Posted on Tue 19 April 2011 in CentOS • Tagged with CentOS, PostgreSQL

This tutorial explains how to install PostgreSQL from the official PostgreSQL repository. This method allows you to install newer versions of PostgreSQL for example 9.0 if you need the newest cluster functionality delivered with upcoming PostgreSQL 9.1 you need to build the software manual as long as there …

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Install ntop on CentOS

Posted on Tue 19 April 2011 in CentOS • Tagged with CentOS, ntop

Install rpmforge repository:

There is an ntop rpm in the rpmforge repository:

yum install ntop

There is a bug in the /etc/init.d/ntop startscript we need to fix. Open the file in your favorite editor for example vim:

vim /etc/init …

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Automatic updates on CentOS

Posted on Tue 19 April 2011 in CentOS • Tagged with CentOS

If you want to be sure all security updates are installed automatic you can use yum-cron. Be sure you have configured your yum correctly not to update wrong things from different repositories.

  1. Install yum-cron
yum install yum-cron
  1. add yum-cron to your runlevels
chkconfig --levels 35 yum-cron on
  1. start yum-cron
service …

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Install ejabberd on CentOS

Posted on Tue 19 April 2011 in CentOS • Tagged with CentOS, Jabber

ejabberd is one of the most popular jabber servers. This howto explains how to run your own jabber server on CentOS using ejabberd.


First you need to activate EPEL-Repository on your CentOS machine.

install it via yum:

yum install ejabberd


configure your firewall to allow following default ports …

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