Huawei UMTS USB stick with Snow Leopard and Lion

Posted on Tue 19 April 2011 in Mac

Howto make the Huawei E176 USB UMTS Stick running with Snow Leopard Mac OS X 10.6. Update: I am actually running Mac OS X 10.7 alias Lion on my Macbook Pro and it still works with the new driver for Snow Leopard on the Huawei website.

I bought an USB UTMS Stick from Huawei and tried to install it on Mac OS X 10.6  this didn't work because the delivered software called MobileConnect doesn't run on Snow Leopard anymore. Update: Here you can find a new Version of Huawei tools for Snow Leopard and Lion:

I found an interessting tool called lauchn2net but it costs about 50$ and that's too much just for configuring the umts stick.

So i took a closer look to the MobileConnect package and found a way to use the driver and configure the connection the right way manually.

  1. You need to connect your USB - Stick
  2. Filer opens a window
  3. Copy MobileConnect to you desktop
  4. right click and show package content
  5. navigate to the driver pkg like on the screenshot


  1. install driver this should work
  2. create new network Location
  3. add you Huawei Device


  1. copy the driver package to you desktop, too
  2. right click and show package content
  3. navigate to the configuration file of your provider


  1. enter the data into the Huawei configuration and enjoy
  2. be sure to set the values in advanced configuration like i did here


For me it did work only using this ppp values but i am not sure if this was an provider dependend issue.
