Install nginx on CentOS 6

Posted on Sun 22 January 2012 in CentOS

If you want to have the latest version of nginx on your CentOS system the easiest way is to use the official yum repository from the nginx program. The version contained in the EPEL repository is quite old.

Download the repo RPM from and install it using rpm -i <packagename>. Then run the command 'yum install nginx'. Or create the repository manual.

Create a new repository file:

vi /etc/yum.repos/nginx.repo

copy the yum repository information into it and save it:

[nginx] name=nginx repo baseurl=$basearch/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1

now install nginx:

yum install nginx

If you're looking for sample configuration files you should have a look at the nginx wiki there are quite a lot of good examples.