Install nvidia module on Fedora 14 or 15

Posted on Fri 27 May 2011 in Fedora

If you want to use the graphic drivers provided by Nvidia, the easiest would be to install them via RPMFusion.

Using the .run installer from the Nvidia download page didn't work for me. There need to be too many manual changes to make it work properly.

  1. Install the RPMFusion repository package from there website

  2. Install the packages for your system

    yum install akmod-nvidia

The akmod package should work with Fedora 15, too. If you want to use a prebuild package for your kernel, you can use the kmod-nvidia package. This package was not available for the Fedora 15 kernel at this time.


There is a prebuild package available now for the Fedora 15 kernel. Install the RPMFusion repository and then kmod-nvidia

yum install kmod-nvidia

It should work instantly after a reboot.