Neubot - this project needs your attention

Posted on Fri 27 May 2011 in Tools

This week I came over a nice project called Neubot - announced by a IT news page. This piece of software will check the global network neutrality. I like free internet access and hope that you are able to support this nice project with some of your resources. The package is available for all big platforms and is easy to install and uninstall. The project collects data if your provider is shaping or blocking special traffic.

We are all part of this information driven world and we need to be sure that information is free and available for everybody. Today it's the internet where people get together, let's secure this nice place.

I hope we will see the results of this analysis and people take action to give more and more people free uncensored access to as much information as possible. And don't forget to run a Tor gateways or bridges to help people in countries with censorship.