Use LDAP for authentication with OpenERP

Posted on Fri 22 June 2012 in OpenERP • Tagged with ldap, openerp

Install LDAP authentication module:

You need to install the module for authentication. It's quite as easy as every installation in OpenERP. I am using OpenERP 6 an the module was available.

Navigate to: Settings-> Modules -> Enable all the Buttons to search for extra packages, too like shown in the screenshot …

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Install OpenERP on CentOS 6.0 with Nginx HTTP Proxy

Posted on Fri 15 July 2011 in CentOS • Tagged with CentOS, erp, howto, Nginx, openerp, tutorial

This tutorial should help you with the installation process of OpenERP on CentOS 6.x.

I installed OpenERP server and the OpenERP webgui with a nginx http proxy on a CentOS 6.0.

First of all I installed minmal CentOS 6.0.

Login as root and process the following steps …

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