Upgrade Fedora 14 to 15

Posted on Wed 25 May 2011 in Linux

This time I upgraded my Fedora just after being released by the Fedora team. It looks like there is a little masochist in my head. But to be fair the Fedora release team did quite a good job with their upgrade mechanism. The system was installed with a Fedora 13 version,  upgraded to 14 and now to 15. After the first review I was able to write a blog entry with it.

This time i didn't use the command line - instead I used Preupgarde.

Just run the command preupgrade and follow the wizard:



After the download and verification of the packages, the system reboots and installs the new version automatically.

For all console users there is a cli version of preupgrade aswell:


I hope this helps you upgrading your Fedora installation.